• 5 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London EC4Y 7DN
  • T: +44 (0) 20 7353 5638
  • Out of Hours: 07738 328059
  • DX: LDE 367 London
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Chambers has a dedicated team who are experts in coronial law and appear in inquests as well as claims for judicial review of coroners’ decisions.  

The team is headed by a deputy coroner who brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to Chambers and members have also acted in specialist roles as ‘Counsel to the Inquiry’ in complex cases. The team also boasts Queen’s Counsel. All members provide exemplary advice and representation in all aspects of this work.

Cases dealt with include: deaths in the workplace, deaths in military actions, hospital deaths involving allegations of medical negligence, fatal sporting injuries, homicides, road traffic accidents and deaths in custody or at the hands of the authorities.