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Ben Holt

"Tactically astute and hyper-aware of what's going on in a case."Chambers UK 2024

Call 2006

Practice Profile

Ben Holt is a specialist criminal barrister. He has been instructed as leading and led junior for the prosecution and defence in the full range of criminal cases; from homicide to fraud and money laundering. Ben was appointed Junior Treasury Counsel, based at the Central Criminal Court, in April 2024 by the Attorney General.

Ben regularly receives instructions from the full range of Specialist Units within the CPS; both as led and leading junior. He is frequently instructed by the Homicide Unit, Special Casework Units [London and the South-East], Specialist Fraud Division, International Justice and Organised Crime Unit [now SEOCID] and the Counter Terrorism Division.

He has been instructed in a number of murder, attempted murder and road fatality cases. In addition, Ben is instructed in substantial cases involving fraud and international money laundering; both for the prosecution and defence. He has undertaken a significant number of cases as part of Op Northleigh; the investigation into the Grenfell Tower disaster. He has prosecuted (alone and as a leading junior) numerous class A drug conspiracies where the evidence comes from data obtained from Operation Venetic.

Ben has specific experience in dealing with complicated disclosure issues; these have included the handling of particularly sensitive material and reviewing cases which have involved evidence from Covert Human Intelligence Sources and RIPA warrants. He has been instructed by the CPS to review disclosure on various matters and has worked together with the NCA and specialist units of the Metropolitan Police in this regard. For example, he was instructed to review the sensitive disclosure as part of Op Melrose (the investigation into the 39 Vietnamese migrants who died).

Ben has also advised on a wide range of cases pre-charge; including homicide, road fatalities and large-scale fraud investigations. Advice has included matters relating to LPP material.

As Treasury Counsel, Ben regularly advises the Attorney General’s Office in relation to Unduly Lenient Sentences. He frequently appears in the Court of Appeal; instructed by the AGO to argue the Reference.

Ben has spent a 9-month period of secondment with HSBC conducting a past-business review into mis-sold interest rate hedging products.

Ben's Privacy Policy can be downloaded here.


  • Junior Treasury Counsel

Panel Appointments:

  • SFO – Panel B
  • CPS General Crime – Level 4
  • CPS Special Crime – Level 4
  • CPS Fraud – Level 4
  • CPS Counter Terrorism – Level 3


Attempted Murder Conviction

10 April 2024

Ben Holt prosecuted a defendant charged with attempted murder. The defendant... Read More

Ben Holt to be appointed Junior Treasury Counsel

15 February 2024

Chambers are delighted to announce that the Attorney General has appointed Ben... Read More

Torture Murder of Mother of Two

14 December 2023

Ben Holt, led by Allison Hunter KC [now HHJ Hunter KC], prosecuted three... Read More

Conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration

27 November 2023

Ben Holt led Sam Willis in the prosecution of Caolan Gormley who was... Read More

People Smuggler Jailed

12 July 2023

Ben Holt, led by Bill Emlyn Jones KC of 3 Raymond Buildings, prosecuted this... Read More

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