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Olivia Haggar

Call 2016

Practice Profile

Olivia is a specialist criminal barrister, with experience across the full range of criminal proceedings but with emphasis on cases involving alleged sexual misconduct, violence, and conspiracies to supply drugs. Olivia has a busy Crown Court practice and receives instructions on behalf of both the Defence and Prosecution. 

She is known for her attention to detail and excellent rapport with clients. Olivia has experience representing young and vulnerable clients and has been instructed as led junior and junior alone in a wide range of serious criminal matters. Recent cases include being led by Sarah Forshaw KC in fitness to practise proceedings, a case involving a doctor accused of sexually assaulting a patient, instructed by BCL LLP.  

Olivia is a Grade 3 CPS advocate on the General Crime panel. Recent cases include a ten handed money laundering conspiracy led by Cameron Brown KC (of 18 RLC), instructed by the Serious Economic Organised Crime & International Directorate. 

Prior to commencing practice, Olivia worked as a criminal litigation paralegal at a leading criminal defence law firm, Corker Binning, specialising in fraud and regulatory work. 

Olivia's Privacy Policy can be downloaded here.


  • Criminal Bar Association
  • South Eastern Circuit
  • Women in Criminal Law

CPS Panel Appointments

  • CPS Advocate Panel for General Crime at Grade 3


Aggravated Burglary and Criminal Damage Acquittal

26 July 2024

A man accused of Aggravated Burglary and Criminal Damage was unanimously... Read More

Sexual Assault Acquittal

15 May 2024

Following a three-day trial at Canterbury Crown Court, a man charged with... Read More

Sexual Activity Acquittal

11 April 2024

Olivia Haggar represented a client charged with five counts of Sexual Activity... Read More

£10 million Ponzi Scheme

13 December 2023

Olivia Haggar, led by Cameron Brown KC, prosecuted Marios Lourides for his... Read More

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