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Paul Walker

“When the chips are down, you need a barrister like Paul Walker”Hugh Muir - The Guardian

Call 1993

Practice Profile

Paul Walker specialises in all areas of criminal law, especially serious fraud involving VAT, diversion, Inland Revenue, mortgage, advance fee and other commercial fraud activities, drug offences, sexual offences, confiscation hearings and crimes of violence (including murder, GBH and violent disorder).  He has particular expertise in dealing with young defendants and the cross-examination of young and vulnerable witnesses.

Amongst Paul’s attributes is his analysis of CCTV footage and he has been singled out for praise on a number of occasions by Judges, for his close scrutiny of this type of evidence.

Road traffic allegations are an area in which Paul excels and he successfully defended in cases of causing death by both dangerous and careless driving. Successful arguments in respect of special reasons and exceptional hardship have enabled clients of Paul’s to retain their driving licences.

Paul has represented a number of professional and semi-professional footballers.

He has expertise in the Coroners Court having represented both the family of the deceased and witnesses called to give evidence.

Paul has appeared in Prison Disciplinary hearings on behalf of prison inmates and made applications at the High Court for certificates of inadequacy under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

Paul's Privacy Policy can be downloaded here.


Conspiracy to Possess Firearms Acquittal

17 May 2024

Following a nine-week trial at Southampton Crown Court, a man charged with two... Read More

Recent Cases

  • R v Bricka [Portsmouth Crown Court] 2023

    Multiple Counts Stalking & Perverting the Course of Justice

    Olivia Haggar, led by Paul Walker, represented a client charged with ten counts of Stalking and one count of Perverting the Course of Justice. The case concerned a prolonged campaign of stalking, described by Sussex Police as one of the most complex stalking cases they had ever investigated. Instructed by Andrew Bishop, Bishop & Light.

  • R v Ma [C.C.C.] 2019


    Paul Walker represented the defendant who was alleged to have taken part in a murder in a North London park. Following Paul`s detailed analysis of hours of CCTV and a number of site visits, the defence were able to present a wholly different perspective of the incident to the jury. The jury returned a unanimous not guilty verdict on the manslaughter count.

  • R v N & anr [Central Criminal Court] 2019

    Landmark F.G.M Trial

    Natasha Wong QC led Paul Walker in the landmark Old Bailey trial involving the defence of a mother and partner under the Female Genital Mutilation Act. The case involved Complex expert medical evidence, child witnesses and extensive evidence of the defendant’s involvement and belief in witchcraft. The case attracted considerable media attention.

    Sky News - BBC News - CNN

  • R v P [Snaresbrook] 2018


    Paul Walker represented the defendant, a 15 year old boy. He was said to have been part of the stabbing of a youth in an East London park. The complainant`s life was saved by paramedics at the scene. The case was particularly challenging as there were a large number of child witnesses. Although convicted, Paul was able to persuade the Judge to impose an extremely lenient sentence.

  • R v S [Isleworth] 2018

    Supply of Class A Drugs

    This trial involved the supply of class A drugs within an immigration centre. High value drugs were discovered, allegedly upon the defendant's person. Following Paul`s extensive cross-examination of the search team of officers and his scrutiny of the body worn footage the defendant was acquitted on all the counts on the indictment.

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Notable Cases

  • R v. Noon [Portsmouth] 2011

    International Paedophile Ring

    Paul Walker led Rishi Nathwani for the main defendant in this 6 week international paedophile ring trial. Their client was the mother of the abused children and the case attracted worldwide publicity. The Crown`s suggested starting point upon sentence was 13 years imprisonment. The Recorder of Portsmouth`s sentence, following mitigation, was 4 years imprisonment.

    Following an Attorney General's reference, the Court of Appeal in March 2012 increased the Sentence of this defendant to 8 years.